[NEW DEADLINE] Demonstration of Interest Request for Plan on Water Resource in the Amazon

By:DeputyRepresentative Belo Horizonte
Business Opportunities


jan 2015

[Update] A new deadline date has been confirmed by the government. Applicants can now submit their demonstration of interest until the last day of January.

BRAZIL – Ministry of Environment – MMA


Loan Agreement No. 8074 BR – World Bank

The INTERÁGUAS project invites companies or consortia eligible to indicate their interest on running for the following consulting services: Developing the Plan for Water Resources in the state of Pará.

The interested parties must provide information showing qualifications and relevant experience certifying their ability to provide the service. Among others, it’s requested a list of Contractors for which one has provided services similar to the abovementioned, including, for each contract: (i) a detailed description of the services provided, the date of its conclusion; (ii) the name, telephone number and email address of the person responsible for managing such contracts in each contractor.

The criteria for developing a shortlist of consultants shall take into account the descriptions of similar services performed and experiences in similar conditions. Therefore it will not be assessed any information about the company’s technical team.

The Demonstration of Interest does not assume any hiring commitment. The process of selection will be conducted in accordance with the Selection method Based on Quality and Cost established in the World Bank’s Guidelines for the Selection and Employment of Consultants, published in May 2004 and revised in October 2006 and May 2010.

The applicant must submit the Demonstration of Interest in a sealed envelope in person or by Mail until the day 31.01.2015, addressed to:

Elaboração do Plano Estadual de Recursos Hídricos do Pará
Ministério do Meio Ambiente – Secretaria de Recursos Hídricos e Ambiente Urbano
SEPN 505 – Bloco B – Lote 2 – Ed. Marie Prendi Cruz – 1° Andar – Sala 101
CEP: 70.730-542 – Brasília – DF

A draft version on the terms of reference for this service, and other information regarding the INTERÁGUAS Program can be found through the website: http://interaguas.ana.gov.br


Sergipe Street nº1167 – Room 1502 Funcionários – BH/MG CEP: 30130-171

(31) 3504-3381
