By:DeputyRepresentative Belo Horizonte
Business Opportunities | News
jun 2018
This sector sketch has been performed by the NBSO Brazil office in Belo Horizonte. It brings an overview of Mining activity in Brazil, its relevance to the Brazilian economy and a closer look at Minas Gerais, the most important mining state. Furthermore, it brings an overview of the Brazilian and foreign Mining companies active in Brazil and their main activities.
Opportunities for Dutch companies were identified in the areas of supply of mining equipment and consultancy in areas of Monitoring (incl. dam safety), efficient water usage, tailings management and residue treatment (amongst others). NBSO Brazil has developed multiple events and activities to expose these opportunities to Dutch companies.
Dutch companies interested in doing business in Brazil are encouraged to contact the NBSO in Belo Horizonte for further information, specific market information, introductions and questions related to trade or investment.
NBSO Brazil
Deputy Representative: Willem Moraal
T +55 31 3504 3381