NBSO Brazil is looking for Dutch companies that offer solutions and technologies for wood as a biomass. Our request is related to the planted forests, so called silviculture, in the state of Minas Gerais.
Minas Gerais has a surplus of Eucalyptus trees, the local Association of Silviculture (AMS) is interested, together with the State Government, to learn about new applications and business models for these trees.
Silviculture in Minas Gerais consists mainly of Eucalyptus and in smaller portions of Pine wood. It is the largest state in distribution area of planted forests (1.545,7 million ha). In below stated map of AMS (in Portuguese) all planted forests in Minas Gerais are visualised with location and their purpose.
The surplus is mainly due to a drop in the use of Eucalyptus (and Pine) as charcoal for the blast furnaces of the siderurgical industry. The forests, the so called siderurgical forests, pertain to the iron and steel companies, members of AMS.
Dutch companies with solutions or technologies interested in having their company presented to AMS are requested to enter in contact with NBSO Brazil via e-mail at info@nbso-brazil.com.br. Companies with a broader interest in Brazil and with technologies related to Renewable Energy may be interested in joining the matchmaking mission of November of the European financed Low Carbon Brazil Business Action, with deadline of 18 September. For details see: www.rvo.nl/actueel/nieuws/oproep-deelname-matchmakingmissies-naar-brazilië