20th Expodireto Cotrijal (11 – 15 March 2019)

By:Lucila Almeida


mar 2019


Expodireto Cotrijal is the biggest International Agriculture fair in Brazil. The event annually takes place in the city of Não-Me-Toque, in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, 280 km from the capital Porto Alegre. The city is one of the starting points of the Dutch immigration in southern Brazil.

Picture by NBSO Porto Alegre. Main entrance flags: Brazilian and from the state of Rio Grande do Sul.

Picture by NBSO Porto Alegre. Ms. Lucila Almeida, Deputy Representative of NBSO (middle left); Mr. Bert Rikken Dutch Agricultural Counselor in Brazil, and Chief Representative of NBSO, Richard Posma (right).

The Kingdom of the Netherlands was represented by the Agricultural Attaché based at the Embassy in Brasilia Mr. Bert Rikken, the Assistant of the Agricultural Department from the Dutch Consulate of São Paulo Mrs. Frederica Heering, besides NBSO´s Chief Representative Richard Posma and his colleague Lucila Almeida from NBSO Porto Alegre.

A presentation about Circular Agriculture was presented by Mr. Rikken at the International Pavilion on Tuesday, 12 of March. On the same day the Dutch delegation met the Dutch Residence Association.

The 2019 Expodireto fair closed its five days of event with an increase of 9,59% trade of goods when compared to 2018 that represents R$ 2,420 billion (Brazilian Real). It counted with the participation of 534 exhibitors in an area of 98 hectares. The international visitors also had an increase with the participation of 71 countries.

In 2020 the fair will happen from March 2nd till 6th, in the municipality of Não-Me-Toque.

Picture by NBSO Porto Alegre. Mr. Bert Rikken Agricultural Attaché from the Embassy in Brasilia and Ms. Frederica Heering, Assistant of the Agricultural Department from the Dutch Consulate of São Paulo.

Picture by NBSO Porto Alegre. Dutch Delegation and the Dutch Residence Association.


Sergipe Street nº1167 – Room 1502 Funcionários – BH/MG CEP: 30130-171

(31) 3504-3381
