

out 2016

By: DeputyRepresentative Belo Horizonte
Business Opportunities | Events

StartUp Weekend: Mega Edition

Want to take your idea of the role? So the opportunity is in the version of Startup Weekend BH (SWBH). But this time is not only a weekend, but a MEGA edition. The event, which has the support of the State Secretariat for Economic Development, Science, Technology and Higher Education of Minas Gerais (Sedectes), takes […]

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set 2016

By: DeputyRepresentative Belo Horizonte
Events | News

Chamada para participação no Low Carbon Brazil

NBSO Brazil vem a destacar o Low Carbon Business Action Brazil organizado com apoio da União Europeia, e, principalmente, a participação de empresas holandesas que virão a apresentar suas tecnologias e soluções neste evento. Com o propósito de apoiar a transição para uma economia em baixo carbono, o Low Carbon Brazil é uma ação, a ser […]

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ago 2016

By: DeputyRepresentative Belo Horizonte
Events | News

International Innovation and Tech Fair

2016 is being a very creative year for Minas Gerais’ entrepreneurs, one would say. As many technological events have already taken place in the capital city of Belo Horizonte promoting innovative ideas and new solutions for daily issues. StartUp Weekend and Creative Mornings are an example of the events that promoted entrepreneurs aiming to develop […]

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jul 2016

By: Chief Representative

Networking at opening cocktail of Mondrian exhibition in Belo Horizonte

Networking opportunities at the opening of the exposition of Dutch artist Mondrian in Belo Horizonte. On Tuesday 19 July the Centro Cultural do Banco do Brasil – CCBB opened the exposition “Mondrian & o movimento De Stijl” in its premises in Belo Horizonte. The opening cocktail with Dutch treats was organised together with NBSO Brazil, […]

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maio 2016

By: Chief Representative

Online presentation on start-up programmes open for Dutch entrepreneurs & start-ups to enter Brazil

  On Wednesday 25 May NBSO Brazil organises its next webinar. The online presentation will focus on funding structures and tenders available to Dutch entrepreneurs & start-ups to establish in or expand to Brazil. We will present the European programme EU-Brazil Connect, to fund the exchange of European start-ups to access Brazil, the SEED programme of […]

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maio 2016

By: DeputyRepresentative Belo Horizonte

Guest Presentation on Minas Gerais state and inland opportunities

This morning we have received Mrs. Priscila Gomes, FIEMG’s analyst on strategical investments promotion to present inland opportunities in the state of Minas Gerais. FIEMG stands for the Federation of Industries of the state of Minas Gerais, a key stakeholder among NBSO’s regional network. On this short webinar, Mrs. Gomes presents the key opportunities and […]

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maio 2016

By: Chief Representative

Guest presentation on business opportunity areas in the State of Paraná

On Monday May 2nd NBSO Brazil held a short online presentation on the business opportunities the Southern State of Paraná has to offer. The presentation was given by Mr. Daniel Dall`Agnol, Advisor to the Technical Directorate from the Paraná Development Agency – ADP. The online presentation of 25 minutes can be seen here below. The […]

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abr 2016

By: Chief Representative

King`s Day Networking Cocktail in Porto Alegre and Borrel in Belo Horizonte

King´s Day celebrations in Porto Alegre and Belo Horizonte.  NBSO Brazil celebrated the birthday of King Willem-Alexander, the official day of the Netherlands, with its professional network, business contacts and friends. On Tuesday 26 April NBSO Brazil organised, in contact with Honorary Consul, Mrs Ingrid de Kroes, a Networking Cocktail in the British Club in […]

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abr 2016

By: DeputyRepresentative Belo Horizonte
Business Opportunities | Events

Publicatie Minas Gerais Inland Sketch, kansen in het binnenland.

In deze Engelstalige sector sketch Inland Minas Gerais presenteert NBSO Brazil een aantal regio´s en hun kansrijke sectoren in het binnenland van de deelstaat. De sketch geeft bv. een beeld van de komende tenders voor het privatiseren van vliegvelden en de kansen voor de zonne-energie sector. Het kantoor in Belo Horizonte staat u ter beschikking […]

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abr 2016

By: DeputyRepresentative Belo Horizonte

Publicatie Paraná State Sketch + online presentatie.

NBSO Brazil presenteert in deze Engelstalige sketch de kansrijke sectoren in de deelstaat Paraná. De Zuidelijke deelstaat, een belangrijke motor van de Braziliaanse economie, staat met de hoofdstad Curitiba vooral bekend om de logistiek en de auto-industrie, de sketch gaat juist ook in op wat Paraná meer te bieden heeft, bijvoorbeeld in de landbouw. Het […]

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(31) 3504-3381