set 2015
Por: Chief Representative
Business Opportunities | Events
SEMINAR URBAN MOBILITY, "Dutch Experiences: Sustainable and Innovative ideas", Belo Horizonte, 23 September 2015
The Netherlands Business Support Office (NBSO Brazil) in Belo Horizonte, part of the Economic Network in Brazil, organises, in partnership with the Department for Roads and Traffic (DER-MG) of State of Minas Gerais and with the Transport and Traffic Agency of the City of Belo Horizonte (BHTRANS), a seminar on Urban Mobility within the scope […]
Read Moreago 2015
Por: Chief Representative
Watch the online presentation of NBSO Brazil
Part one (online presentation given in English on February 5 2015) Part two
Read Moreago 2015
Por: Chief Representative
Economische missie naar Brazilië met minister Lilianne Ploumen
Wilt u zakendoen in Brazilië? Ga dan van 8 t/m 13 november mee met de economische missie naar Brazilië, deels in aanwezigheid van Lilianne Ploumen, minister voor Buitenlandse Handel en Ontwikkelingssamenwerking. Brazilië staat voor grote economische en maatschappelijke uitdagingen, zoals verlies aan biodiversiteit, waterschaarste, overstromingen, energievoorziening, vergrijzing, verstedelijking, afvalverwerking en stijgende arbeidskosten. Het land richt […]
Read Moreago 2015
Por: DeputyRepresentative Belo Horizonte
Business Opportunities
Grains record crops vs. Logistical gaps: finding opportunities in the water transport
Every year Brazil faces a serious dilemma when its grains come to harvest: how to give these crops a flow? The country is well known for being a top-leading soybean and corn exporter and that is easily explained by the weather conditions in both Northern and Southern states resulting in continuous record crops. However, the […]
Read Morejun 2015
Por: DeputyRepresentative Belo Horizonte
Business Opportunities | News
New development in alternative energy solutions
Alternative solutions to strengthen Brazil´s energy mix have been intensively discussed over the years. New projects in energy generation will become a priority, since the fear of new blackouts in the current electrical power systems has increased due to continuing drought. Thus, the federal government, through its Ministry of Mines and Energy, has published an […]
Read Morejun 2015
Por: Chief Representative
Terugkijken – Webinar Braziliaanse zakencultuur 8 juni 2015
Het Netherlands Business Support Office in Brazilië – NBSO Brazil heeft op maandag 8 juni een online presentatie gehouden over de Braziliaanse zakencultuur met presentaties van gastsprekers over de deelstaat Minas Gerais en het Zuiden van Brazilië. De online presentatie gaat in op de culturele regels van zaken doen in Brazilië en de bijzonderheden van […]
Read Moremaio 2015
Por: DeputyRepresentative Belo Horizonte
Urban Health Business visit
In the first week of May, five Dutch enterprises (presentations follow below) visited Brazil to present their expertise in the Urban Health sector and develop cooperation with local partners. In the context of modern day Brazil, having large urbanised areas dealing with water usage, polution and other environmental en societal questions, the Dutch companies answer […]
Read Moremaio 2015
Por: DeputyRepresentative Belo Horizonte
Business Opportunities
Enhancing your entrepreneurship in Brazil.
Starting your own business is not an easy task, that is common knowledge. Being an entrepreneur requires full-time commitment, attention to details and management skills, especially when you are dealing with a partner, not to mention when you have co-workers and/or employees, hence increasing the costs. Now, imagine owning a start-up business and being able […]
Read Moreabr 2015
Por: DeputyRepresentative Belo Horizonte
Eigen bijdrage voor uitgebreid informatiedossier
voor Duitsland, Frankrijk en Brazilië Vanaf 1 mei 2015 vragen het netwerk van ambassades, consulaten en Netherlands Business Support Offices (NBSO’s) in Duitsland, Brazilië en Frankrijk en de Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland ( een eigen bijdrage van € 200 aan ondernemers voor Informatie op Maat (IoM). De invoering van de eigen bijdrage is onderdeel van […]
Read Moreabr 2015
Por: DeputyRepresentative Belo Horizonte
Business Opportunities | Events
LAAD Defence and Security is one the most prominent International exhibition fairs taking place in Latin America. An opportunity for companies and public organisations being acquainted with the newest defence technologies and high-end equipment, not to mention consultancy, which is highly valuable in this sector. In the past decade, Brazilian government has increased its interests […]
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