By:Chief Representative
Business Opportunities | Events
set 2015
The Netherlands Business Support Office (NBSO Brazil) in Belo Horizonte, part of the Economic Network in Brazil, organises, in partnership with the Department for Roads and Traffic (DER-MG) of State of Minas Gerais and with the Transport and Traffic Agency of the City of Belo Horizonte (BHTRANS), a seminar on Urban Mobility within the scope of National Week of Traffic on Wednesday 23 de September.
The event with the title “Urban Mobility: Dutch Experiences; Sustainable and Innovative ideas”, envisions to present the innovative practices and developments in the area of Urban Mobility in the Netherlands and has its objective to open a discussion on the theme and its challenges. In the seminar, five guest speakers, all specialist in their areas, will touch upon the following subthemes: Bicycle Mobility, Urban Logistics, Multi-modal Public Transport and Smart Highways. The presentations start with an introduction on urban mobility in the Netherlands given by representative of the Dutch ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, Mr. Hans Nijland. The other guest speakers are related to companies and platforms that unite the private and public sectors and academic institutions.
The seminar will also have the participation of local authorities, such as, the Sub-secretary for the Regulation of Transport, Mr. Renato Ribeiro, of the Secretary of Transport of the State of Minas Gerais, the Municipal Secretary for Development of Belo Horizonte, Mr. Eduardo Bernis and the Head of International Relations Office of the State of Minas Gerais, Mr. Rodrigo Perpetuo. From the Dutch side will be present the Consul-general in Rio de Janeiro, Mr. Arjen Uijterlinde.
The event will be held at the facilities of DER-MG and starts at 08:30 hours. Simultaneous translation will be available during the presentations. After the presentations three subthemes will elaborated on in Round Table discussions, led by the guest speakers in the English language. Details on the programme are available for download at this page. More information on the event can also be obtained in contact with NBSO Brazil.
DOWNLOAD the programme of the Seminar Urban Mobility of 23 SEP (English)