
The Federal University of Santa Maria is featured in the SDGs

Universities that work to meet the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations (UN) have made important social, economic and environmental contributions. This month, when the Global...

Aerial view of the headquarters buildings of the Federal University of Santa Maria

Dutch master student researches water management in the Brazilian agriculture

Interview with Marthe Gunnink, Master’s student in International Land and Water Management at the University of Wageningen, in the Kingdom of the Netherlands. She is in Brazil doing an...

The state of Rio Grande do Sul – in South Brazil – and the Kingdom of the Netherlands have synergies for potential partnership, collaboration and trade in agribusinesses, logistics, ports, renewable energy

The Port of Rio Grande and Tecon – largest private container terminal in Rio Grande do Sul – agribusinesses, research institution and political stakeholders were visited by Richard Posma...

The value chain of potatoes in Minas Gerais.

Potato value chain Brazil – Opportunity for potato processing industry The Agricultural counselor of the Netherlands in Brazil, Mr. Bert Rikken, in cooperation with the NBSO Belo Horizonte visited...

Agricultural equipment – fair calendar South Brazil  

Agricultural machinery industry – trade show and fair calendar for Southern Brazil 2017 The season for the agricultural machinery industry in Brazil started this month, February, with ShowRural in...

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(31) 3504-3381