During this webinar we will look at the Brazilian customs and fiscal system when exporting products to Brazil and how to calculate the Landed Cost price of your products.
In order to calculate the Landed cost price the following taxes need to be considered:
Import Duties known as II
IPI (Industrialized product tax)
Social Contribution PIS and COFINS
ICMS which is a Value Added Sales Tax.
The first three taxes are Federal and apply to all imports. The ICMS is a state specific tax that depends on the destination State in Brazil.
In order to stimulate international trade activities, the state of minas Gerias offers a discount on the state taxe when importing directly (in stead of using for example Sao Paulo as a point of entry). During this webinar we will explain the basics of landed cost price calculation as well as the advantages that Minas Gerais offers. In case you join us for the live webinar we will try to answer your questions at the end of the transmission. In case you are watching the recorded version you can forward your questions to our email info@nbso-brazil.com.br
Dutch companies can count on the services provided by the Netherlands Bushiness Support Offices in Brazil to get help on calculating the Landed Cost Price (the final cost of the product delivered to client/distributor). Our offices can also introduce you to potential Brazilian Partners by performing a Business Partner scan.
The webinar is divided in two parts and can we watched by clicking the images below: