Webinar and sketch on the Metal-mechanical sector of South Brazil

By:Chief Representative


mar 2017

Netherlands Business Support Office Brazil in contact with regional and national branch organisations produced an overview of the Metal-mechanical sector in the Southern region of Brazil.

The information gathered resulted in a webinar and a sector sketch. The webinar took place on Friday 17 March. Guest speaker Mr Ayrton Pinto Ramos – Director of the Brazilian service of support for small and micro enterprises (SEBRAE) in the state of Rio Grande do Sul joined us and gave a presentation on the sector in his state and the Mercopar fair (download PDF presentation here). You can watch the webinar, with a duration of 30 minutes, here:


The sector sketch describes the main clusters in this metal-mechanical industry, to what segments they are connected and what are its challenges and demands. Furthermore, interested Dutch companies may find suitable opportunities based on the provided economic market information. The sketch can be downloaded by clicking on the following thumbnail.

Sector Sketch Metal-mechanical sector in South Brazil

NBSO Brazil in Porto Alegre is available for questions and to provide you with more details and contacts.

Deputy Representative Luiz Bueno de Freitas Filho – info@nbso-brazil.com.br


Sergipe Street nº1167 – Room 1502 Funcionários – BH/MG CEP: 30130-171

(31) 3504-3381
