Urban Mobility Seminar: The Dutch Experience

By:DeputyRepresentative Belo Horizonte
Events | News


out 2015

On 23 of September the Netherlands Business Support Office – NBSO Brazil held a Holland Branding Event on the theme of Urban Mobility in the form of a seminar. The seminar was organised together with DER – the Department of Roads and Infrastructure of the State of Minas Gerais – and took place within the context of the National Week of Traffic. The event was prepared in close contact with SETOP– Secretariat for Transport and Infrastructure of the State of Minas Gerais and the Municipality of Belo Horizonte, together with BHTRANS – the Transport Agency of the city of Belo Horizonte.

The seminar started with an opening session, at the opening participated Mr. Renato Ribeiro, Subsecretary for the Regulation of Transport of the State of Minas Gerais, Mr. Eduardo Bernis, Municipal Secretary of Development of Belo Horizonte, Mr. Rodrigo Perpétuo, Head of the International Relations Office of the State of Minas Gerais, Mr. Arjen Uijterlinde, Consul-General of the Netherlands in Rio de Janeiro and Mr. Remon Daniel Boef, Chief Representative of NBSO Brazil.

Five Dutch guest speakers were invited to present their expertise area, ranging from bicycle mobility and multi-modal public transport to innovative apps in the use of traffic flows. The Dutch presentations and the theme of Urban Mobility in The Netherlands were introduced by Mr Hans Nijland, Senior Researcher at Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment. The Subsecretary of SETOP and the Director of Planning of BHTRANS, Mr Célio Bouzada, presented the state of the art from their respective organisms. All presentations and the videos used during the presentations are listed at this page for download.

A recording of the seminar and all the presentations are also available below. NBSO Brazil invites you to enter in contact with questions and / or suggestion on this theme by sending an e-mail to info@nbso-brazil.com.br.

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”4″ gal_title=”Seminar Urban Mobility – Dutch Experiences, 23 September Belo Horizonte”]

How the Dutch got their Cycle Paths?Introduction on Urban Mobility in the NetherlandsPBL – Hans Nijland – hans.nijland@pbl.nl

Mrs Hillie Tallens, Project Manager at the technology platform CROW followed with her presentation on Bicycle Mobility in The Netherlands

Cycling in the Netherlands Bicycle Mobility in the Netherlands. CROW – Hillie Talens – hillie.talens@crow.nl

Connekt, a network of over hundred companies and authorities with the aim of improving mobility in a sustainable manner, has been presented by it Program Manager, Mr. Harsha Dijk.

Lean and Green by Harsha DijkLean and Green Urban Logistics project. CONNEKT  Harsha Dijk – dijk@connekt.nl

Representing TNO in Brazil, Mr. Laurens Steen, showed one of the ongoing TNO projects called Praktijk Proef Amsterdam.

Praktijk Proef Amsterdam by Laurens Steen Amsterdam Practical Trial. TNO – Laurens Steen – info@tnobrasil.com

From NHTV, a centre for higher education in the area of Transport Dr. Jan Proper presented the development in Multi-Modal systems for Urban Transport.

Urban Transport by Dr. Jan ProperMulti-modal systems in Urban Transport.  NHTV – Prof. Jan Willem Proper – proper.j@nhtv.nl

The seminar was closed with presentations given by the present local authorities (in Portuguese). The presentations show the significant plans both SETOP and BHTRANS hold on Urban Mobility for the state of Minas Gerais and the city of Belo Horizonte.

Desafios Sistema Transporte MG Desafios no Sistema de Transporte em Minas GeraisSETOP – Renato Ribeiro

Planejamento Mobilidade BHPlanejamento de Mobilidade em Belo Horizonte. BHTRANS – Célio Bouzada

The following videos were used during the seminar.




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(31) 3504-3381
